Sunday, October 21, 2007

Three and a half miles

No, this is not is one the young chicks that passed me.
I walked 3 and a half miles yesterday on this trail.
I took an hour and lots of folks passed me but I made


Annie said...

That's the way to get a walk, on a lovely trail. And of course you'd want to take a little time to stop and see things now and again. All in all, that's good time you made for trail walking.

I've been walking 1 1/2 miles twice a day, my easy way to accomplish three miles. I go out after breakfast and then again while supper is cooking, just in the neighborhood. If we lived closer to each other I'd love to have a walk-together time with you.

Andrea said...

Whatever it takes.......the walking is better for you than us sitting in front of these computers just exercising our fingers and wrists.

dot said...

I walk about 5 miles a day but I believe it takes me longer than you. Maybe your legs are longer or you have more gas in your tank. lol!

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you! When I finish this long-term, I plan to get back to walking. Look at my blog today - it is dedicated to all of you.

Unknown said...

I have to continue to teach through Nov.20th - field trip tomorrow, two late nights of conferences next week - then the ever popular Halloween Party.