Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mountain Meadows Murder!

Just before Highway 7 takes you to Harrison, AR, you
will pass a big open field, a meadow. I stopped here
when I went to my friend, Remmel Fancher's funeral.
In 1857, a huge caravan of folks met here. They came
for days before and camped in this meadow waiting
to leave for the west. Many Fanchers were in the
group. When the wagon train reached Mountain
Meadows, Utah, they were slaughtered by Mormans
dressed as Indians. Even today, most Mormans will
claim that they didnot comment this deed, but they are
guilty. My father knew one of the 17 children who was
finally returned to Carroll County. I have read many
books about this murder and it is an interesting subject
to read about. One story tells of a girl who they did not
return. She was a twin. DNA today should settle this
mystery and we would know if it were true or false.
Can you feel the excitement in the Meadow as the
group leaves for greener pastures in the west or the
omen of the doom they faced?


dot said...

Interesting story and I've never heard it before. I feel both the excitment and the doom. Can you imagine going on a trip like that back in those days?

Erin said...

is that quilty of guilty ??

Galla Creek said...

thanks should have be a ggggggggggggg. Moma

Annie said...

I grew up hearing this story. There were many Arkansawyers effected by this treachery.

Linda@VS said...

I've never heard of this either. Way to ruin an otherwise fun trip!

Does anyone know why the Mormons supposedly did this? And does anyone know if there have ever been any atrocities committed by Indians disguised as Mormons?

Anonymous said...

You can find out when the movie hits theaters on May 4th.