Friday, July 6, 2007

Mud Baby!

When Astrid and Ingrid went to stay with
Aunt Erin, Siggie stayed with Pop and I. We
went down to get the paper ...I told her to
stay out of the mud holes! The hands on her
hips comes from her Mother!


Annie said...

What a spunky sweetheart, that precious Siggie. You must have laughed at her antics.

You mentioned that perhaps I was tired after the ordeal of hospital visiting and worrying. I'm feeling back on top of the world now. My honey is sleeping well at night; so am I. We've both taken daily naps too. It's feeling more and more like we're back to normal, both of us, though he still does have a ways to go.

Yes, Sister Three, I am lucky to have a husband who is also my best friend. If I could give any woman a piece of advice about picking a man, I'd tell her to make sure to build a deep and abiding friendship before taking the risk of marriage. That was one thing I did right. That decision shines like a beacon through all my bad ones.

patsy said...

she is saying what are you going to do about it?

Betty said...

Probably, you should have told her to stay out of the water, too. lol

dot said...

She just couldn't resist! Cute picture.